Blue Lake Campground January 12, 2012October 23, 2011 by matt goff Despite the damp and cool weather, I was inspired to take pictures of several bryophytes, mushrooms, and a lichen on a short visit to Blue Lake Campground. [Show slideshow] Dicranum pallidisetum photographed at Blue Lake Campground. Buckiella undulata Scapania bolanderi Clitocybe connata found in alder stand at start of Beaver Lake trail. Clitocybe connata found in alder stand at start of Beaver Lake trail. Ceratodon purpureus photographed at Blue Lake Campground. Ceratodon purpureus and Schistidium apocarpum photographed at Blue Lake Campground. Brachythecium plumosum growing on rock at Blue Lake Campground. Brachythecium plumosum growing on rock at Blue Lake Campground. Brachythecium plumosum growing on rock at Blue Lake Campground. Peltigera sp growing with bryophytes on rock at Blue Lake Campground. Peltigera sp growing with bryophytes on rock at Blue Lake Campground. Schistidum apocarpum found growing on rock at Blue Lake Campground. Hypnum dieckii growing on rock at Blue Lake Campground. Large rock with several bryophyte and lichen species growing on it. Large rock with several bryophyte and lichen species growing on it. Share this:ShareFacebookTwitter