Medvejie Lake March 6, 2011June 13, 2008 by matt goff [Show slideshow] Broad-leaf Arnica (Arnica latifolia) Brown Bear sign was not uncommon around Medvejie Valley. Brown Bear sign was not uncommon around Medvejie Valley. Yellow-flowered Sedge (Carex anthoxanthea) Yellow-flowered Sedge (Carex anthoxanthea) Yellow-flowered Sedge (Carex anthoxanthea) Black Alpine Sedge (Carex nigricans) Leather-leaf Saxifrage (Leptarrhena pyrolifolia) flowers. Leather-leaf Saxifrage (Leptarrhena pyrolifolia) A fair amount of rock moves through the valley above Medvejie Lake. Bird's Nest Fungus (Nidula candida) Rhizomnium nudum Rhizomnium nudum The large boulders in the middle of this photo probably tumbled from the pale patch on the cliffs above sometime this past winter or spring. The boulders that came down are quite large, perhaps 10 feet or more in the largest direction. Stropharia sp Stropharia sp Stropharia sp Whitch's Butter (Tremella mesenterica) Umbillicaria hyperborea Umbillicaria hyperborea Share this:ShareFacebookTwitter