Trip to Kruzof March 6, 2011April 19, 2008 by matt goff [Show slideshow] Port Krestof Waterfall Port Krestof Waterfall Brown Bear Tracks Brown Bear Tracks Brown Bear Tracks Brown Bear Tracks Brown Bear Tracks Bryophytes growing on a beachside rock formation. Bryophytes growing on a beachside rock formation. Deer Mouse (Peromyscus keeni) tracks were fairly common just inside the drip line at Point Brown. Deer Mouse (Peromyscus keeni) tracks were fairly common just inside the drip line at Point Brown. This dragonfly exuvia is almost certainly from last summer. I had never seen Harbor Seals hauled out so close to town before. This Hermit Thrush nest was one I noticed two summers ago. It was still in pretty good shape. Muskeg Puddle Algae (Nitella sp) Muskeg Puddle Algae (Nitella sp) Muskeg Puddle Algae (Nitella sp) Niphotrichum canescens formed a pretty dense carpet in the sand above the highest tide line. Niphotrichum canescens formed a pretty dense carpet in the sand above the highest tide line. Niphotrichum canescens formed a pretty dense carpet in the sand above the highest tide line. Greter Yellowlegs Port Krestof Waterfowl There were quite a few Greater Yellowlegs on the beach at Point Brown Bryophytes growing on a beachside rock formation. Share this:ShareFacebookTwitter