May 25, 2007

The Complete List

Filed under: — goff @ 10:52 pm

I will try to keep this list updated as I go, otherwise I’m afraid I will lose track of what species I’ve already included.

Vascular Plants
Vicia nigricans giganteaGiant Vetch (#24)
Sagina crassicaulisBeach Pearlwort (#25)
Pinus contortaShore Pine (#28)
Potentilla VillosaVillous Cinquefoil (#29)
Pteridium aquilinumBracken Fern (#30)
Equisetum arvenseCommon Horsetail (#11)
Alnus viridis sinuataSitka Alder (#10)
Viola glabellaStream Violet (#1)
Osmorhiza purpureaPurple Sweet-cicely (#5)
Malus fuscaPacific Crabapple (#35)
Empetrum NigrumCrowberry (#2)
Andromeda PolifoliaBog Rosemary (#6)
Ledum groenlandicumLabrador Tea (#32)
Menyanthes trifoliataBuckbean (#37)
Coptis trifoliaThree-leaf Goldthread (#18)
Romanzoffia sitchensisSitka Mist-maiden (#15)
Claytonia sibiricaSiberian Miner’s Lettuce (#14)
Trientalis europeaNorthern Star Flower (#33)
Ribes bracteosumStink Currant (#13)
Fritillaria camschatcensisBlack Lily (#39)
Trichophorum caespitosumTufted Bulrush (#7)
Eriophorum angustifoliumTall Alaska Cotton Grass (#31)
Non-vascular Plants
Metzgeria conjugataLiverwort (#8)
Sphagnum fuscumRusty Bog Moss (#3)
Tetraphis geniculataBent Tetraphis (#38)
Scutellinia scutellataEyelash Cup (#19)
Siphula ceratitesWaterfingers (#17)
Omphalina umbelliferaGreenpea Mushroom Lichen (#16)
Sphyrapicus ruberRed-breasted Sapsucker (#36)
Hydriomena irataMoth (#4)
Phragmatobia fuliginosaRuby Tiger Moth (#20)
Callobius pictusHacklemesh Weaver (#9)
Araniella displicataSixspotted Orbweaver (#34)
UnidentifiedInsect (#12)
UnidentifiedBeetle (#40)
Pterostichus sp.Beetle (#21)
Scaphinotus sp.Beetle (#23)
UnidentifiedCentipede (#22)
UnidentifiedBug (#27)
Vespericola columbianusNorthwest Hesperian (#26)

1 Comment »

  1. Hey Matt: Don’t forget the pictures you have of the milliped, Karteroiulus alaskanus (Cook, 1904). That’s one more invertebrate and one more species for the Sitka area. Rowland Shelley, North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences.

    Comment by Rowland Shelley — June 8, 2007 @ 6:59 pm

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