June 5, 2007

Species #17: Waterfingers

Filed under: Lichen — goff @ 3:58 pm


Siphula ceratites

Though I have certainly seen this lichen before, I had never really stopped to look at it much. It formed rather extensive patches in one particular raised muskeg I visited. I am uncertain how common it is in the general area, though I suspect it is not hard to find. I will try to keep my eyes open to see if such extensive patches of it are typical.

Not too far away, in the same muskeg complex, I did not notice this lichen growing. Are there subtle differences between boggy locations (perhaps pH?) that effect the growth of this lichen? (Another possibility is that I just wasn’t paying attention, so I’ll try to go back and check.)


Waterfingers with Habitat

Species #16: Greenpea Mushroom Lichen

Filed under: Lichen — goff @ 3:48 pm

Omphalina umbellifera

Greenpea Mushroom Lichen
Omphalina umbellifera

It was only recently that I learned this species is actually the fruiting body of a lichen, rather than a regular fungus. After taking these photos, I read about it and learned that the actual non-fruiting part of the lichen is a small inconspicuous dark green granular crust. I’ve never really noticed that before, so I will try to take a closer look when I see these again. I’ve noticed them growing in muskegs and in the forest on rotting wood. I’m not sure what other habitats they might favor.

Omphalina umbellifera

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