Before Breakfast Trip To The Turnaround

This morning I got up at 6:00 am and went for a walk to the Turnaround.

On my way to the Turnaround I went by the lake to see what was there. On my way to the lake I heard a Ruby-crowned kinglet singing. I got to the lake and saw that there was a large flock of Greater white-fronted geese on the peninsula feeding on the grass. I crossed the road to see what else was over there. I got over there and saw that there were Northern shovelers, American wigeons, Mallards, Scaups and three Ring-necked ducks along with the Greater white-fronted geese. There were about a dozen Tree swallows darting around after the flying insects that were around.

I left the lake and head to the Turnaround after a few minutes. I got to the Turnaround and saw that there were four Marbled godwits and a Short-billed dowitcher there. I slowly walked out onto the beach. I watched and took photos of them as they walked around jabbing they long bills into the mud in search of food. After watching them for a bit I headed home for breakfast.

On my way home I felt some sprinkles, but thankfully it didn’t rain hard. As I was walking down the sidewalk I smelled the sent of exhaust and that made me realize how nice the air was down on the beach.

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