Afternoon Walk

After lunch I went down to the park to see what was down there. On my way down to the park I was walking through my neighborhood when I smelled and caught a faint taste of wood smoke. I got down to the park and walked out onto the beach. I felt the warmth of the sun but then the wind would come up and the warmth would disappear. As I walked down the beach I noticed that someone had let their dog lose and it was scaring the gulls that had been out at the end of the park. Right a way I was irritated that someone had let their dog chase the gulls, much of the time it does not both bother me when people have their dogs of leash except when the dogs chase the birds off that I want to look at. By the time I got to the end of the park though the dog was gone.

I walked out on the beach, at first it didn’t look like there was anything out there but then I saw a Black-bellied plover and after that I saw some Semipalmated plovers. As I spent more time out there I saw more and more birds. I walked out and sat down on the beach and watched the Semipalmated plovers. They would run and then stop, run then stop, run then stop, thats just how they moved around. While I was out on the beach I looked at the gulls that had landed out there when I heard a Caspian tern, I looked around and eventually saw it. I took photos of it as it flew around and while I was doing that I saw a second one. They flew around together for a few minutes then flew west. After I had looked at the gulls for a while I started heading back towards the tree when I looked up and saw a raptor flying towards me I realized that it was an Osprey and took photos of it as it flew by. I watched it fly over by Verstovia then start circling upwards.

I walked into the forest then quickly walked home after that. Osprey Caspian tern

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