Room cleaning

At the beginning of this week, I decided to clean up my room a bit.
I moved two of my bookshelves away from my bed, the larger white one went all the way across the room, the smaller one was placed on the other side of the cabinet that’s right next to the top of my bed. I also moved the branching bookshelf to underneath the fancy light next to the white bookshelf and cleaned under the cabinet and organized the bookshelves. When moving the cabinet, we found that the mat I had been using had gotten a bit stuck to the bottom, so when I moved it back, I didn’t put the mat as far under.
I had help from Connor when it came to moving the things and he also helped with the organizing of the two bookshelves that are on the other end of my room from my bed.
Multiple spiders were found and tossed outside. (I also saw a large on on Connor’s door frame while I was in bed. I put it outside as well, because there was no way I was going to sleep with a large spider like that in the house)
The tops of my bookshelves were rather dusty, and the top of my cabinet was really dusty.
By moving the bookshelves, it seems like I have a lot more room in my room, but I’m not done cleaning quite yet. I’m hoping to be done sometime next week or early the week after that.

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