Whale At The Park

This morning I went down to the Park. The tide was out and it was cloudy.

I walked around the beach, looking at the goldeneyes, the gulls and the other birds that were down there.

Earlier in the day, before I got to the park, I saw a Whale between Galankin island and the shore. It headed towards the bridge.

I saw a large group of cormorants and saw some of them catch some Herring. I walked up the beach and talked to Rowan since she was sitting on a bench at the top of the beach. While we were there I saw a Whale out by an island. I watched it for a bit as it moved towards the shore. One of the times it went down it looked like it was coming close to the shore. It was already quit close so I got up and ran across the beach to get to the edge of the water so that I could hopefully get some good photos of it. When I was almost to the waters edge I saw the birds that had been on the water take off, then moments later the head of the whale come lunging out of the water. The Whale was probably only about 100 yards off the shore. I got my camera out so that I was ready for the next time. The Whale came up a second time, this time about 100-200 yards off the shore. I was able to get a couple photos of it before it went back down. Rowan came down and we watched for a while. It swam to one end of the beach, then to the other then back again. On its way back it lunged again but this time it lunged more horizontally across the water surface of the water vs the more vertical lungs it had done the two times before. It swam towards Cannon island. Since it was getting late and the Whale did not seem to be lunging any more, we headed up the beach. As we were walking up the beach I looked back and saw the Whale lung out more in front of Cannon island, so when we got to the top of the beach we waited for a bit it came up one more time further away in front of Cannon island. I was only able to get a photo of it as it was sinking back into the water. We watched for a bit longer, but it was almost lunch time and we had not seen the Whale come up again and there was a saner heading that way so we headed home.              I believe that the white foam at the bottom of the photo is from the water hit the shore line. This is just a more cropped in version of the photo above.

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