Trapping Rats

Over the last several years we have had some rats in our yard, but I have not tried very hard to get rid of them. This last snow fall we had I noticed that there were a lot of rat tracks in the yard, so I went to the store and got some rat traps. I started with three but then decided that I wanted more so I went back the following day (after I had gotten one rat) and got three more. I then set them that evening and checked them every couple of hours when I was up. I caught two before I went to bad that evening, I had one when I got up the following morning  as well.

I get up at 7:15 am to check and unset the rat traps so that I don’t catch any birds in them. I will set them again just after dark.

I got one before I went to bed last night and when I got up this morning I had three more.

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