Hunt for Photos

After lunch today, Connor showed me a picture he got of a shrike yesterday and I remembered that I had photos of a shrike…somewhere.
So Connor looked up when the year was that I got the photos, since he had pictures taken on that same trip posted on his inaturalist. I then looked to see if I posted posted my photos there, which I had not. I also looked at our weblogs to see if I posted it there, and found I had posted a blog, but no pictures! So we then looked through my unorganized photos on the computer, didn’t find them there, but we did find some around the same time. We then looked at Connor’s hard drive and had no luck, so he went downstairs to get mine.
While looking through mine, we found some really old photos and videos and were kinda amused at the various photos I had of dad that I most likely just took without him knowing (though he probably suspected I was, it’s hard to sneak photos)…I still do that every now and then, I like to know who was with me! We also found an old video of me, Connor and Grandpa racing at the sand dunes, with me being sandwiched in between. Obviously, I did not win, like I remembered.
Anyways! We eventually found the photos of the shrike and it was fun to look back on all those photos and videos!

Link to other blog-
Photo of shrike

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