Northern Shrike

This afternoon I went out birding. I walked down by the lake and saw that there were some Mallards and three American coots there. I then walked up to the Kimsham ball fields, by KGH school, to look and see if the Northern shrike that had been seen up there was still there. I had seen a Northern shrike about a week or so ago, but I wanted to try to get better photos of one. I walked around the perimeter of the ball fields looking for the bird. When I got to the parking lot for the cross trail connection, that came out there, I looked around because that had been where it had been being seen. I did not see it there so I started down the road. Just a short distance down the road I saw that shrike fly up from the edge in the short bushes. It landed on a branch and sat there for a while then flew to a different perch. I watched the bird for some time and it was quite cooperative. As it was getting darker I decided to head home. On my way down the road though I heard and odd chirping that I recognized as a Palm warbler, so I walked over and saw that there were two birds there. There has been a couple of Palm warblers hanging around town for the past several weeks so I figured that these were the same two.Immature Northern shrike

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