Fall Warblers

A week or so ago I was getting back from deer hunting with my grandpa when I felt an indication on my phone that I had gotten a text. I looked at it and saw that there had been a Nashville warbler seen with a Tennessee warbler on Castle hill earlier in the day. Since it was just about dark and we weren’t even home yet I decided to see if I could go look for them in the morning.

Those birds were two of three rare warblers remaining from a big flock of warblers  that had moved through when I was down south hunting. There were 9-10 different species of warblers (5 of which were rare for Sitka) that showed up in about a week and a half while I was out of town. They all seemed to have vanished though by the time I got back from my trip. The Tennessee warbler had been seen once or twice since I had gotten back, but I had been unable to find it.

The next morning I got up and headed down to Castle hill to see if I could find them. I got down there and walked up to the top of the hill and looked around in the maples that the bird hand been hanging out in. Almost right after I got there I heard some warblers. I saw a couple of Ruby-crowned kinglets, then I saw a couple of warblers flitting around in the lower branches of the trees. I walked down the side of the hill a short distance to get a better view of them. I was that they were the Nashville and Tennessee warblers, so I started taking photos of them. After a bit a couple of Yellow-rumped warblers joined the flock and started foraging around on the lower limbs and on the ground with the other birds.

After I had taken quit a few photos, since it was getting more mid morning and since my grandpa was going to be catching a plane back to Idaho in the late morning, I headed home. Nashville warbler Tennessee warbler

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