Really only because I have pictures

Monday, when I went down to the park for the first time, I got some photos and I’ve just left my memory card up by the computer until I got a blog done for them. So, that’s why I’m doing this blog really, I just liked a photo I got. (But there were some other interesting things that happened too)
When I was about to go out onto the breakwater, a lady that had stopped right near I would turn approached me.
I suppose she didn’t have far to approach…but ‘started talking to me’ doesn’t seem to work as well. Anyways, she’d apparently seen me walking around the area a lot and wondered if I had a job or something. Which I said no, my dad just wants me outside. Though I later said I had a paper route. Then she asked who my dad was, and she apparently knew him and said her daughter was in classes with him (something like that). She said her name was Elaine, and somewhere in the conversation she asked where I live. I vaguely waved in the general direction of my house saying, “Up there.”
After our brief conversation, she kept walking and I went out onto the breakwater, slightly surprised that I hadn’t felt all that panicked at being in a conversation with a stranger.

Later, but not that far away, still on the sea walk. Just as the walkway goes through it’s first patch of trees, I saw a guy dressed like a runner or jogger knelt down just a tad off the trail holding out his phone like he was taking pictures of something. I slowed down just a little and cast a few glances to see what he was doing. As I walked by, I saw a patch of red, so I assumed it was a mushroom.
Then after I got a little ways past (just past the trashcan and out where there’s a view), I stopped and looked at the view, occasionally glancing over at him, waiting until he got up and left. Luckily, I didn’t have to wait more than a minute- if that.
So then I walked over and looked into the small holeish thing that the mushroom was in. It was kind of a neat placement and the mushroom was bright red with white. So I took photos of it too, but stayed on the pathway.

Then later, I was near the trail by the river, just before it really, and I saw an eagle sitting on the roots of a stump. I decided to take pictures of it, and I’m glad that I did.
It was a windy and cloudy day, though I suppose that doesn’t have much to do with this… Anyway, it was preening itself, then it sort-of-flew up onto a higher root, then a little after, another eagle flew over and it took off as well and I got a photo as it launched itself off, which is the one I like!
So, here are some of the photos!

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