Late night (A late blog)

How many Wednesdays ago was it now? Lemme look… Three! Three Wednesdays! Better late then never I suppose…
Let’s see how much I can remember…
It was a little before eleven when we finally went outside, like dad had said we would, so we could go see how windy it was elsewhere.
First we went out to silver bay, which was surprisingly not all that windy-only a bit of a breeze- but the moon was out and dad and I took some photos.
Then we went back and stopped on the road near a place I deliver papers to, it was probably the most windy, but it also started raining.
Then I believe we went out to Japonski island in front of UAS, it wasn’t very windy out there either.
Then the last place we went to, was out to Starrigavan. It was dark from the lack of street lights, and also, was not very windy. But on the way back…
…We almost hit a deer.
Or really, the deer almost ran out in front of us.
Dad didn’t see it, but I did. It seemed to be moving up from my side of the road, but luckily it didn’t cross in front of us.
I told dad and we turned around and the deer had crossed the road. Then another, smaller deer went out in front of us. Then another crossed, I can’t remember if it was in front as well.
I think they were a Doe and two fawns, but they didn’t have their spots anymore. We watched them for a bit, then went back home. So it was a fun night! (We got back around midnight)
And, surprise! Photos! (Most of them were taken in black and white)

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