Grouse Hunting

A week or so ago Grandpa and I went Grouse hunting.

When we got there we went up an old logging road. While we were hiking up the road we heard/saw a couple of deer in the bushes on the edge of the road. Just after we were done watching the deer a Ruffed grouse walked out onto the road and I shot it. We walked up the road further. After we had been walking for a bit I looked up and saw a grouse fly up into the tree further up the hill. I started up the hill to look for it then another one flew up into a different tree. I got up there, after several more flew up into different trees, I looked around in the tree that I had seen the second grouse fly into. I spent several minutes looking for it in the tree and was about to give up when I found and shot it. We walked down since the other birds had flown away when I shot. We walked further up the road then got off the road and started through the trees. After we had been walking through the woods for a bit I heard a grouse fly up and saw it land in a tree. I was going to go up and try to get it when I saw one fly into a tree right in front of me so I shot that one and went up and got and shot the other one. I then walked up and got the second one then walked down and got the first one. Since I now had my limit I walked back down by Grandpa and walked back to the truck.

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