
On Monday when I was on my way back from the park, I heard something running around on the rocks out of sight on Sage beach. It was behind the trees so I couldn’t see it, but I thought it was probably was a dog. But moments later, a bunch of River Otters came charging out, heading towards the water.
By the time I had my camera out and got a photo, some of them were already in the water. There were at least six, probably more.
I speed walked over to the breakwater, hoping to see them closer in, but I didn’t. They were swimming alongside the rocks, headed towards the entrance of the harbor.
The most I got up at once in a picture was four.
As I thought they might, once they got to the entrance of the harbor, they went into the harbor and that’s when I left to go back home.
(Also, I learned that a group of Otters is called a romp, or in water, a raft. They had other names too, but I liked romp)

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