Crow and a coin

The Saturday before this most recent Saturday (So two weeks ago now), when I went out onto the breakwater, I noticed a crow trying to get something from between one of the railing poles and a lower railing near the end of the boardwalk. I didn’t pay much attention to it then and just walked past onto the end of the breakwater.
But when I walked back, it was still there. After I passed it, I turned to see what it was doing. It was trying to roll what looked like a quarter out of where it was stuck in sideways with it’s beak. If I’d thought about it, I would’ve gotten a picture first, but I guess I was a bit more worried about it actually getting the coin and flying away with it, so I walked closer and it flew up onto the top railing.
I leaned down and pulled the coin out from where it was, (it was pretty easy for me since I have fingers) and looked at it.
It wasn’t a quarter like I thought it had been, it was actually one of those gold colored (Not certain if they’re real gold. Probably not) coins that are worth one dollar.
When I looked up at the crow, it flew off and the coin is mine now. It’s in my room. It looks a little worn though.

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