
Last week on Monday, when uncle was here, we went up harbor mountain to pick blueberries. There weren’t a whole lot of them, but we still got a decent amount, enough to make a blueberry cheesecake. Though that isn’t what this blog is about.
While we were stopped to eat lunch on the rocks around the area where we’d picked berries a year or two ago, dad saw a weasel. Apparently it was pretty close and looking right at him, so that’s why he made a loud ‘oh’ of surprise, which is probably part of the reason it disappeared under the rocks before uncle could see it.
I was slowly getting out my camera when I saw it. It was just under a rock, looking at me or Connor, I could see all of it, and it was cute. (I said that later, and dad said they were until I tried to take their food. I found that amusing)
It was a lot smaller than I thought it would be, I was thinking more of a mink size, and it was mostly brown with a white belly. Unfortunately, it fled before I was able to turn on my camera and get a photo. As it was fleeing, Connor saw it’s foot, so uncle was the only one who didn’t see some of it.
After that, I finished lunch and went looking for it on the rocks below and around us, and, as I expected, never found it.

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