Harbor Mountain Hike

This week my Uncle was in town and one of the things we did with him was a hike up Harbor mountain.

We went up the mountain to pick berries. As we walked down the trail I looked up and saw a Northern harrier circling up and out of a valley. We stopped and took some photos of it, then we continued on.

We got to where we were going to pick berries and there weren’t very many berries there. We sat don and ate our lunch and while we were there Dad saw a Weasel in the rocks then it disappeared.  Short time later it popped up by Rowan and I; Rowan saw the whole Weasel and I just saw one white foot. After we sat there for a bit longer we got up and moved further up the trail to see if there were any berries there. There were more there so we stopped and picked them while Dad went up to the shelter to take a few photos. When he got back to where we were we had picked a fair number of berries and since it was getting late the headed back.

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