This morning I got up, got ready and left the house.
There was a little rain and it was kind of windy, but not bad.
I walked over the bridge to the airport. On my way to the airport, I went down and looked at the gulls in the channel. I did not see any unusual looking gulls, so I head towards old airport road.
I walked by a construction site and got back on the main road. I walked along the main road to the airport until I got to where the old road met the new one. I walked down the old road and looked around. I saw some orange crowned and yellow warblers, along with some fox, song and lincoln’s sparrows too.
After I had looked around the old road, I walked back to the main road and went to check another place. I looked around and saw some yellow, wilson’s and orange crowned warblers, along with lincoln’s, and song sparrows. I looked around a bit more, then walked back to the main road and headed for home.
On my way home I stopped by the channel again, but did not see any unusual looking gulls, so I headed home.