Last night

Last night, Dad, Connor and me had a fire.
I watched the fire while Connor went and got hotdogs and hotdog buns at the store. When Connor came back, he set the bag with the Hotdogs and buns on the bench that I was sitting on and sat down on a bucket, then after a few minutes he came over and sat by me because it was closer to the fire.
Before he’d gotten back the fire was just embers and I asked Dad, who was up on the top deck, if I should add some more wood, he said yes and I put some more on. It didn’t light on fire right away but it smoked a lot, once I looked away briefly and when I looked back the wood was on fire and it stopped smoking as much.
Not too long before dad came to sit and eat by the fire, I went and got the ketchup.
While we where cooking our hotdogs Dad and Connor had a conversation about why Connor chard his hotdogs, while he was currently sticking his already blackened Hotdog back in the fire.
After I was done eating my hotdog, I went in to see if we had any marshmallows. We had three. But Connor didn’t eat any, so dad ate two.
Sometime after I was done eating, there was a Hawkmoth that came by and drank from the fireweed that we had around, and I tried to catch it. I almost did a few times and I my hands got close enough that I could feel its wings before it flew off.
Why did the fire smoke so much before it finally lit of fire?
Why did Connor Char his hotdog?
Where did the Hawkmoth go after it left our yard?

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