
Today when I went down to the park for the second time, it was raining and a little bit windy.
When I was on the sidewalk by sage beach, I saw an eagle out on a post by the breakwater, but it flew off soon after.
When I was in the park, it was a little bit drier, and I heard some ravens.
I also noticed that there were a lot of Deerheart around.
When I was at the battle site bench, it was low tide and I saw a duck out in the water and some ravens scattered about out on the beach, and a white cruise ship way out in the water.
When I was on the side trail near the trail by the river, I saw some sea gulls out by the water and some ravens and two ducks.
When I was on the trail by the river, I saw a raven fly over the river.
When I was near where the foot bridge used to be, I saw that the trail camera was still on the tree.
When I was by where the foot bridge used to be, I saw some large white bags surrounding a metal thing with what looked like a start of a support for the bridge.
How many people were in the cruise ship at the time?
Why is there so much Deerheart at the park?
What was in the bags?

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