
Today when I went down to the park, it was cloudy, but the sun sort of shining a little bit through the clouds. There were also a few salmonberry flowers blooming and I saw some bumble bees flying around.
When I was out on the breakwater, I saw oner male duck and some sea gulls out on the water.
When I was in the park, I saw two ravens out on the beach, but in different places. One was closer to the beginning of the park, and thee other one was closer to the battle site bench.
When I was at the battle site bench, it was low tide, and I saw some ravens by the seaweed.
When I was on the side trail by the trail by the river, I saw some sea gulls, ravens, and shorebirds.
I also heard a winter wren.
When I was on the trail by the river, I didn’t see any birds.
When I had just gotten off the trail by the river, I saw some sort of sparrow.
When I was nearing thee foot bridge, I saw that the trail camera was still on the tree.
Why is the trail camera still there?
Why was there only one duck?
Why was it cloudy?

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