
Today when I went down to the park for the second time today, it was sunny with some clouds.
When I was out on the breakwater, I saw some ducks and a sea gull.
When I was near the park, I heard a hummingbird somewhere on a tree.
When I was near the battle site bench, I saw two red breasted mergansers, some ducks, sea gulls and two ravens.
When I was at the battle site bench, it was low tide and I heard some black oystercatchers, and I saw some sea gulls and ravens. The ravens were on the beach farther away from the water than the sea gulls were.
When I was by the trail by the trail by the river, I saw a gadwall, some sea gulls, ducks and wigeons. I also saw some swans over by the rocks on the other side of the river where the trailer court was along with a bunch of crows on the rocks.
When I was on the side walk by sage beach, I saw a great blue heron and some more ducks.
When I was nearing home, I heard a hummingbird again.
Where was the hummingbird in the tree?
Was the hummingbird I heard the same one that flew to a different place?
Why were the crows on the rocks?

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