This morning after I did some stuff in the house I went down to the park. It was cloudy when I started out but after I was down there for a bit the sun came out. Once I was by sage rock I saw some golden crowned kinglets and a brown creeper as well as a varied thrush and a song sparrow. I went to the front of the visitor center and saw a great blue heron and a bunch of mallards and a couple of oystercatchers. I got out to the end of the park and saw some crows and a few gulls. Once I got out to the estuary I saw some american wigeons as well as the female eurasian wigeon. I took some photos of the female eurasian wigeon and went up the river trail. Has I got further up the river trail I saw a few more mallards and a couple of trumpeter swan and a few buffleheads and a few common goldeneyes. I up on to SJ campus and looked in a few of the mountain ash trees they have there and I saw a northern fliker and a varied thrush I took some photos of the varied thrush and then went on home.
- Question why were there so many mallards down at the park?
- Question why were most of them out in front of the visitor center?
- Question Why were there common goldeneyes and buffleheads up the river so much farther then what I normally see them at that type of tide? common goldeneye varied thrush black oystercatcher eurasian wigeon