
Today when I went down to the park, it was raining on and off. When I was walking out on the breakwater, I saw some seagulls and a raven on the railing. When I was at the breakwater, it was low tide. On the breakwater I saw some seagulls, crows, ducks and harlequins in the water and on Sage rock. When I was near the park I saw a small bucket out on the sandy part of the beach, so I went out on the beach to move it out of the tide zone. The bucket was pinkish and its handle was broken and a small purple broken shovel was in the sand next to it. I put the broken peaces of the shovel in to the bucket and moved them up onto a log out of reach of the tide. When I was nearing the battle site bench, I saw a flicker fly up from the ground and into a outer branch of a tree. At first I was not sure what sort of bird it was because it was back lit, so I went to get a better angle and it flew off down the beach and I wandered after it for a little bit then went back onto the trail. When I was at the battle site bench, I saw some seagull out by the water. When I was on the trail by the river, I saw some more seagull and ducks, and I saw an eagle. When I was by the foot bridge, I saw a squirrel in a tree.
Why was the bucket and shovel just left out there on the beach?
Why was the flicker on the ground?
Why were the bucket and shovel broken?

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One Response to Park

  1. Grams says:

    Maybe they were left because they were broken and the person who owned them didn’t want to bother to pick them up and throw them away.

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