harbor mountain hike

Today Connor, dad and I went up to one of the peaks on harbor mountain, and it was sunny. On the way up I saw a lot of ghost moths and some juncos. We had to go off the official trail to get to the peak. Connor went ahead when we heard a red tailed hawk. Not to much later I stopped to look at a bird and dad went ahead to call for Connor. When I when caught up to dad we continued up the mountain. When we were walking we saw Connor farther up on the more steep part of the trail and dad told him to stop heading up until we caught up to him. I caught up to Connor before dad did so we sat and waited for dad on the trail. When we got closer to the top there were some parts that were steeper than others. When we got to the top there were lots of flies, and there was no view because it was cloudy on the peak. We ate lunch on the peak, and after we did that we walked around and dad took some photos and after a little bit it cleared up just enough for me too get some photos of the view. When we were heading back down I took some more photos. It was a bit tougher on my legs coming down the steep part but after that it was okay. When we were nearing the trail head was saw some more juncos and I saw some sort of warbler as well.

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