verstovia toad

Today when Connor, dad and I went up to the first viewpoint on verstovia, Dad let Connor and me get a head start. After a couple of minutes Connor left me in the dust. Not to much farther up the trail dad caught up to me and we walked together for a bit before we saw a toad hopping a cross the trail. Dad took some photos of the toad when I was holding it, then he took some more photos of the toad after I set it on the ground and went ahead of him. I let dad go past me when we were closer to the viewpoint. When I got to the viewpoint dad gave Connor and me some chocolate and when we were done eating the chocolate he took some photos of us looking through the mist at what little we could see of the town. On our way back down the trail Dad and me showed Connor where we saw the toad on the way up.

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One Response to verstovia toad

  1. Grams says:

    You dad posted that picture so I could see you peering into the mist. I wondered if you were looking for an unusual creature or bird, so thank you for telling me what you were looking at.

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