Last Tuesday

Last Tuesday when we left the motel we were sleeping in, we went back to Yellowstone park. On are way back the from way we came, those people were still there. A little bit after we went past the people, we saw a marmot, and we turned around to get some photos of it. Then we went to a parking space to turn around. When we were in the parking space Connor and grampa got out of the car and looked at the field that was out there and they saw two antelope. After that they got in the car and we left. We went to the paint pots, and Connor and I got some photos of them and we got some photos of chipmunks. After the paint pots, we went to Old Faithful, and there were lots of people. Connor sat on grampa’s shoulders to get a better view of Old Faithful so he could take better photos of it when it erupted. I got some photos of it to. After that we went to Old Faithful Inn to eat lunch. After lunch it was almost time for Old Faithful to erupt again, so we sat down and waited for it to erupt, and we got some more photos of it. After that we went and looked in some shops, but didn’t get anything. After that we went to Yellowstone Grand Canyon and Connor got some photos of it and some more photos of chipmunks. After we saw the Canyon, we went to see the Dragons Mouth. Then Connor and grams went back to the car, and grampa and I went up to see the Black Dragon’s
Calderon, Sour Lake and the Churning Calderon. Then we went to a picnic area and ate dinner. When we were eating dinner, we heard some noises out by the river which was not too far from where we were eating. We went to look. There were two buffalo crossing the river not too far up river, and Connor got some photos of them. When we were done eating dinner, we went to Grand Teton. On the way we saw some elk on the side of the road and some crossing the road. When we were at Teton, we stayed the night in the car because there was no room in the hotels and camping areas.

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