Last Monday

Last Monday grams, grampa, Connor and I went to Spencer mine to mine for fire opals. A little while after we ate lunch, we went to west Yellowstone park. When we saw our first buffalo it was laying down facing away from us. Both Connor and I got some photos of it. Some time after we saw the buffalo, we stopped by the river and there were some people fishing in the river, and there we some American avocets on the other side of the river, and I got some photos of them. Just before we ate dinner, we saw a black bear, and Connor and I got some photos of it. Then we went and ate dinner at a picnic area not far from where we saw the bear. When we had most of the food out on the table and no one was really watching it, I saw a flash of black go on to the table just behind a tree so I couldn’t see it. So I went and looked and there was a raven on the table, so I scared it off the table but not before it got one chip which it shared with another raven. After we ate, we up the road farther and some people were looking at a buffalo. We stopped and looked for a little bit, then we kept on going. We stayed the night at a motel in Montana. On our way there, we saw some big herds of buffalo, and we saw some people that were parked in a parking area siting and watching in the direction of the mountains. The day after we found out they were watching for wolves.

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