
Yesterday Connor, grampa, grams and I came back from the farm. On our way back we dropped grams off at her work in Boise, then we went home. Around five thirty we went to Boise to got some chicken for a picnic at a park in Boise. I stayed in the car while Connor and grampa went and got the chicken. After they got the chicken, we went to the picnic. When we got there, every one was there accept for grams. Connor and I talked with cousin Becca for a little bit before grams got there. Before we ate Connor, Becca and I played a game of tag. After we were done eating, we played a game of hide and seek tag and then a game of duck duck goose. After little while, some of the younger kids at the picnic came and joined. The game went on for a little bit, then it turned into chaos and it seemed that every one was running around. After a little bit, grams had us line up for a photo. After a little bit, there were some kids playing soccer with three balls and Connor, Becca and I played with them. Connor helped kick the balls through the goal which was two small orange cones placed across from each other. Becca and I went and got the balls that went through and kicked them back through the goal. After a little bit, Becca went to help kick the balls through the goal. When I was fetching the balls one time, I was leaning down and one ball came whizzing past my face. It just barely missed my face by a hair. One time when I kicked the ball with my left leg, because my right leg was tired, it went over my head and landed behind me. Becca said it was an epic fail, and there were some times I wanted to kick with my left leg, but I didn’t kick at all. I went to get water once when we were playing. After a while, we were playing with just one ball. After a while of playing, we went home.

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