Two Days Ago

Three days ago Connor, grams, grampa and I went cat fishing at Brownlee and camped there for a night. Only Connor and grampa went cat fishing. When they were cat fishing after it was dark, I saw some bats and some sphinx moths. Nearing the afternoon the next day we packed up and went to Louise’s house. When we were at Louise’s house we ate lunch. A little while after we ate lunch, Connor and I rode horses. Nearing the end of the ride, I fell off but I got back on. After we rode the horses, grampa went to look for rocks, and Connor went to milk the goats with Louise, and I stayed inside mostly. A little while after grampa got done looking for rocks and Connor and Louise got done milking the goats, we went home. On our way home, it was raining and we stopped and ate dinner at Burger king.

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2 Responses to Two Days Ago

  1. Melissa says:

    Hi Rowan! I’m so proud of you for getting back on the horse after you were tossed off. I love you! love, mama xo

  2. rowan says:

    Love you to mom

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