Last Friday

Last Friday grampa, grams, Connor, uncle and I went camping at Bear Valley in Idaho. A little while after we got there, uncle and I went down to a creek near the camping area. When we were down by the creek near the bridge we saw some sort of finch and some sort of warbler. I got photos of both of them. We walked down the creek a little ways. When we were walking, we saw a frog of some sort and I caught it and uncle got some photos of it, then I let it go. We saw some beaver activity when we were walking. After a little bit we went back up to the bridge. Connor was fly fishing near where uncle and I saw the frog. Uncle went back up to the camping area where grams was, and I stayed and tried to catch the frog again. I got my foot wet trying. When uncle came back, he said once he got grampa, who was fly fishing up the river, we had to go back to the camping area so we could go for a drive. When were waiting, Connor kept on fly fishing and I went and sat in the sun by the bridge. After a little while of waiting, we finally when back to the car and went on the drive. On the drive we saw lots of deer, some elk, two sand hill cranes, and two antelope.

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