South Hills in Idaho Adventure

moose head shot                                                                bull moosebeaver                                                               beavermoose2                                                            bull moosemoose bed                                                      bull moose bedlewis's woodpecker in flite                                               Lewis’s woodpecker in flight 
moose track moose track3                                                          bull moose tracksmoose1                                                                      bull moosemoose track2                                                    bull moose tracklewis's woodpecker                                      Lewis’s woodpeckermoosetrack1Last week Rowan,grandpa,grams,uncle Jonathan, and I went on a little road trip to the south hills of Idaho. We were going to see if we could find a moose. Grandpa knows a guy who has a cabin up there. We got up early one morning and went  to look for rocks at Rabbit Springs. After looking for rocks and finding a few that we were looking for, we went up Shoshone Basin road to the person’s cabin, but no one was home so we watched  the hummingbirds that were there for a little while, then we head back to the car  to let the temperature go down a bit because the person who has the cabin said he the best time to see moose is either in the early morning or in the later evening.  So while Rowan, grams, and I sat in the car, grandpa and uncle Jonathan went to look for rock. While we were waiting in the car a Lewis’s woodpecker came by for a while. After every one was back at the car, we drove up a mountain to the top. It was a really nice view so we stayed up there for a little bit. After getting down from the mountain and back on Shoshone Basin road, we were then on our way down  back to the main road when we stopped  at a beaver pond because we saw some movement in the water. It was a beaver. We watched the beaver for a while, then went on down the road. After getting  down the road  a little ways, we saw a deer in some grass by some willows, so we were going to try to take some photos of it when it started to trot off into the willows. When all of the sudden, it took off like a shot and instead of going into the willows, it went over the road and into the trees on the other side. It cleared the road in two bonds, one on one shoulder of the road  and it landed on the other one. After that we went down the road maybe 12 more feet when grandpa said there’s a moose so we stopped, and there it was maybe 50 to 100 feet off the road. It did not even care that we were there so we took some photos from the car, and then uncle got out of the car and took some photos of the moose.  Then it walked off, so we went out to see if we could find some good tracks to plaster cast, and we found two, but while we were going to look, we saw the moose again. It had just gone behind some willows, but this time it went into the woods so we put the plaster into two of its tracks. While uncle was putting the plaster into its tracks grandpa and I walked into the grass the way the moose walked and found a moose bed. Just a little bit after we found the moose bed, the moose walked back out from the trees and stood broadside, so I pulled out my camera to take some more photos and went to to take some photos and it would not work so after messing around with it a bit I finely got it working again, but by that time the moose was moving again, but it stopped again, and I was able to get some good photos of it. Then it walked into the brush. We went back to see how the plaster was doing and uncle said we had to let it sit there for about 40 to 45 minutes minimum, so we had about 40 minutes to kill, so we went and drove around for a bit, and when we got back it was time to get them out. One came out, the other one could have used a bit more time, but we did not have time, so we got them both and went down  the road. On our way down, we saw a group of 6 and a group of 1 sage grouse on a gravel road at just after dust.

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