up indian river

today Connor dad and I went up indian river to change dads eye buttons. on are way up we saw some kinglets and two red breasted sapsuckers and a winter wren.when we got to the muskeg we ate lunch. after we had lunch we went up the muskeg farther to set up the trail camera. on are way up to set the trail camera we saw a junco and Connor looked to see if it had any bands it did not. after we set up the trail camera we went down to the other muskeg and went back to the river. on are way we saw some dragonflies. when we got to the river we waded in it all the way to the second bridge. when we were wading we saw two dippers and lots of salmon fry. on are way to the car I left Connor and dad behind. when I was by the muskeg bord walk I saw a junco and dad had almost caught up to me. when dad and I got to the car we had to wait for Connor to catch up then we went home.

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