up harbor mt to look for the cuckoo agen

today dad Connor and I went up harbor mt to the picnic area agen to look for the cuckoo agen. I got to the picnic area first so I waited for them in the sheltered area. when they got there we went to one of the benches down one of the trails and and after that we went to the view point area were we saw the cuckoo last time and ate lunch. after a little while Connor went down the rode some more and me and dad staid at the view point. when I was siting at the view point I saw two moths on a tree that was right neckst to me the moths blended right in to the tree. after a while I went back to the picnic area and when I was at the picnic area dad called me too tell me he saw the cuckoo and what looked like a red tailed hawk I saw the hawk as it flew by and I saw the cuckoo fly over to the picnic area and in to the trees. I went and looked for it but I could not find it. after a little while just before we left we saw the cuckoo and we chased it for a little bit and I got some photos of it then we went back to the car. on are way down harbor mt rode we saw a shrew Connor went looked for it a bit then we went home.

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