common cuckoo on harbor mountain

common cuckoo.JPG common cuckooYesterday dad had got an a call from Eric Parker that he and his wife Cathy had been up harbor mountain and had seen what looked like a Rapter flying around by the picnic area but a look in the bird book when they got home said that it was not a bird seen up here. It turned out that the bird was from Asia and what it was doing over here in Southeast Alaska of all places I have know idea but I am glad it landed on Baranof island and in a spot where it was fairly easy to aces to see it. Today dad, Rowan, and I walked up two miles of of the harbor mountain road to get there because there was a land slide that took out half the road so no motored vehicle could go up there so we had to walk two miles to get to where the bird was seen but when we had gotten up there we had gotten out of the rain and in to the clouds so the fog was so thick that I would say we cloud only see about fifty yards a way, but thankfully the fog cleared up a bit after we found the common cuckoo and I was able to get some photos of it before it got really foggy again  and we hike back to the car. It was the first record for Sitka and one of the few reports out western Alaska.

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2 Responses to common cuckoo on harbor mountain

  1. Grams says:

    That is a very nice picture of the cuckoo. It is interesting to think about how it got to Sitka and how long it might stay there. Do they usually migrate from place to place and if so what is their usual travel paths?

  2. connor says:

    Thanks. They migrate from Africa in the spring to Europe and Asia and in the winter back to Africa. I do not know what there travel path I do know one thing though it not over here.

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