common cuckoo

today dad Connor and I when up harbor mt to look for a common cuckoo. we drove up to the third gate witch was closed. we were in the clouds. then we walked to the picnic area. I left Connor and dad in the dust. it was really fogy up at the picnic area we could not see to far ahead of us. we ate are lunch in the covered area witch was wet. when we were eating lunch we saw a junco. after we were done eating are lunch we went and looked around for the common cuckoo on the picnic area trails but we did not find it there. after we looked around the picnic area we were going to go to the start of harbor mt trail head but on are way there Connor saw the cuckoo a little ways off the rode so we went chasing it around. it cleared up after a little bit and Connor got some good photos of the common cuckoo I dont know if dad did then it got fogy agen then after a little while we went back to the car and back home.

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3 Responses to common cuckoo

  1. Grams says:

    That is really exciting that you got to see a bird that is not usually found in Sitka.

  2. Grams says:

    Accidentally hit post before I was done writing. Did you read about the cuckoo to find out about its normal habitat? Makes me wonder why the call the one kind of clock a cuckoo clock – any ideas?

  3. rowan says:

    no I did not read about the cuckoo.

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