small fish at the park

today Connor and me went down to the park. when we were just leveing the house we saw a male Rufous hummingbird and a female Rufous hummingbird and a female Anna’s hummingbird. when we were on the brake water we saw a group of mallards then we went to sage beach. on the beach we saw a crow and a dowitcher. then we went to the park. Connor went on the beach before we got to the park and I kept on going. at the park I saw a chickadee. just after the battle site bench I saw two winter wrens. when I got to the next bench I went out on the beach. on the beach I saw five bald eagles some ravens and crows and some sea gulls. later when I was on the beach Connor caught up to me. Connor went wading in a small stream that went to the sea to see if he could catch some small flat fish. he had boots on I did not. when he was wading around he was sinking in the sand a little bit he said that he was sinking so much he was at the level the fish were I said he was exaggerating by a lot. we caught fore small flat fish and two skullpins. after a little while we went home.

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