rare birds that I have seen this year so far

This post is going to be about rare birds or birds that are not often see where I saw them this year. Starting from most recent going to the oldest.

PARASITIC JAEGER. I saw the Parasitic Jaeger on June 1st 2015 when I was coming back from a boat trip out by kruzof and saint lazaria island. We went out there with some friends of ours on there boat we were going to go out to the cape but it got to ruff so we turned around and landed on kruzof for about 20 minutes or so there we head out by low island to do some fishing. When we got there there was a hole bunch of birds out there so we ankerd  and started fishing it took about 5 minute before we had a halibut in the boat but it took me another 5 minute or so before I caught a halibut after that we sat there for another 25 minutes or so before we got another fish and the next one was a quillback rock fish. After that we poled the anker and headed for the harbor when we were by the casway we saw a Jaeger I wasn’t sure what tipe it was till I got home and looked in the bird book then I figured it was a Parasitic Jaeger.  parasitic jaeger?.JPG parasitic jaeger?

FRANKLIN’S GULL. I saw the franklin’s gull on may 22nd 2015 at totem park it was only the 2nd or 3nd report for Sitka. It had been seen one or two week earlier in the channel by UAS Campus. I saw it wile I was walking around the park at the end of the beach. I was able to get farely close before it flew to a spot on the beach where I did not feel like going after it since I had gotten good photos of it already so I let it be and went on my way.franklin's gull.JPG franklin's gull


PALM WARBLER. I saw the Palm Warbler on April 15 2015 over by Price street. I was over there because Mom was out of town and I was over there taking care of our lizard I saw it when I was heading back from my morning job of taking care of our lizard when I saw a little bird fly over my head and land in a spruce tree by me, so I went over there to see what it was it took me a little while before I got it to where I could get some good photos of it and get a good look at it so after some more photos I diced to head home on my way home I was looking at my photos and diced it did not look like any thing from around here so when I got home I looked it up in the bird book and the closest looking bird to it was a Palm Warbler so I gave dad a call and when he got home from the park we headed over there to see if we could find it again we found it right by where I had first seen it we chased it around a lot finding it then losing then finding it again we played that game with it for a long time in the poring down rain then we lost it and was unable to find it again. One other person was able to see it other then my family members but only one person. It turned out that that was the first report of the Palm Warbler ever seen in Sitka that exciting to find it.palm warbler?.JPGpalm warbler?


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