
last night dad Connor and I went down to totem park to go see some one named James that had hung up a white sheet with two ultra violet lights between to small trees on the other side of the foot bridge by the river to attract moths and other bugs. not to long after we got there Connor kept on chasing the moths when we saw one. when there was still some light out I when out by the river to look for some fresh water sculpins I saw around ten and I caught two with my hands and I saw some small salmon fry. later in the night when it was pretty dark out dad and I went up on the foot bridge to look for bats. after we saw two or three bats I went back down to see if I could barrow a head lamp from James when I got the head lamp I went back up on the bridge the bats were moving fast so it was impossible to keep the light on them for more then ten seconds. after we watched the bats for a little bit we went back down to were James and Connor were. after we were down there for a little while I was afraid I would ether freeze to death or get eaten alive by the bugs. just a little while before dad Connor and I left to go home I went back to watch the bats I only saw one. after a little bit I went back down and not to long after that we went home. it was after eleven at night when we got home.

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One Response to bats

  1. Grams says:

    Your story of seeing the bats reminded me of when you saw some bats when fishing for catfish. Were there lots of moths and other bugs that came to check out the white sheet?

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