
today I had to go with dad and Connor to halibut point wreck because dad and Connor had to do something for bioblitz. when we were there I went down on the beach on the sand that was by the water it was low tide there were some crows there that were sticking their beaks into the sand and occasionally find a sand lance and eat it. after I came back from the beach dad had gone with one of the groups that were doing stuff about small mammals they had gone not to far in to the woods on a trail to check some live traps that some one helping with the bioblitz had set last night and the other group had gone into the woods on a different trail to check some other live traps. the two groups both caught some thing in on of their traps dads group caught a shrew it was dead from starvation and the other group caught a deer mouse it was a live. not to long after the mouse got released the groups that were on the beach and the groups that were doing stuff with small mammals switched places and we went and checked some more live traps. this time dads group caught a mouse and the other group caught a shrew witch was dead. not to long after that we went to starrgavin and I went with one of dads groups with him then I went back to the car and waited for him. once he came back we went and got connor he was by the bird viewing shelter then we went home.

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