red necked grebe

yesterday dad and me went birding. we went out to stargaven bored walk to look for birds. on are way back to the car I said I would go down to the beach to get beter photos of a bufflehead. when I was takeing photos of the bufflehead I saw a different bird. so I toke some photos of it. when I get home I looked it up in a bird book it was a red necked grebe. later in the day dad whent to true value to get something when he was done we when down to the beach and we saw a marbled godwit. today when I whent out to check on the chikens there were fore eggs in the nest. DSCN0539






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3 Responses to red necked grebe

  1. connor says:

    what color were the eggs.

  2. rowan says:

    one was light green and three were light brown. and today the gray one laid anuther egg. it was light brown.

  3. connor says:


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