totem park walk

yesterday connor was going to the park and later when connor had already left to the park dad said I had to go to the park as well. when I got to the park I saw connors bike. when I was walking I saw three squirrels two were in two differnet trees eating pinecones and one was on the ground looking for something. after I saw the three squirrels I saw a shap shinned hawk if I had ben looking up I mite have seen it sooner but I was looking down so I did not see it intell I scared it and it flew over my head to by were I saw the squrrels. when I started walking to were it flew it flew back over my head to the beach were connor was. Connor had his camera and he tried to take a photo of it but when he tried to get closer to it it flew of so he did not get a photo of it. before I had got to the park I saw a bunch of harlequin ducks really close to the shore I thought that connor mite want to be there so could have got some photos of them.

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