Northern Mockingbird


Today after going out the road to Starrigavan and seeing a male red wing blackbird, we came back into town and went to the Backdoor to eat lunch. After lunch we went to see if the northern mocking bird was still there, and it was. We waited a little while, then it showed up. It was really cool to  be able to see this bird. It was the first one I have ever seen, and it was only the third reported in Sitka Alaska. So it was really exciting to be able to see it. I hope I get to see it again some time.nothern mocking bird

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2 Responses to Northern Mockingbird

  1. Grams says:

    How did you know where to look for the mockingbird? And how did you identify it when you saw it?

  2. connor says:

    Some one hoow dad nose tolled him that he saw unyusiwal looking bird in his yard. dad went and took a look at it and he looked in a bird book and I saw his photos of it and it looked like the photo.

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