viceroy not a monarch

(It is a viceroy )monarchs have no lines across the bottom wings like the viceroy in the photo at the top.  I saw three viceroy butterflies. when I was a coming back from hunting in the pasture on the farm. I was checking my gopher trap in the pasture. I thought they were the first monarch butterflies I have ever seen. monarchs fly from Mexico to the united states to lay their eggs on milkweed then die. The egg will hatch soon when they hatch they will be little caterpillars then they will eat the milkweed and  turn in to a caccoon then hatch in to a butterfly and start the process all over again by going back to Mexico to hibernate in trees in big swarms.

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4 Responses to viceroy not a monarch

  1. Melissa says:

    sounds like you know a lot about monarch butterflies, Connor. more than me! this picture is particularly pretty with the way the light illuminates the wings. good job!
    love, mom

  2. That’s pretty cool info! Have you found any milkweed around the farm? I think I remember seeing some along the edge of the pasture before. Sounds like it might be a good place to look for their caterpillars and cocoons.

  3. connor says:

    After further investigation I found out it was a viceroy butter fly.

  4. connor says:

    uncle Jonathan
    yes I did see some milkweed at the farm .rowan found an egg that might be a viceroy.

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