A dead gull

I saw a dead gull the bones were white .  It was a juvenile  I  now  that it was a juvenile because when I looked at the juvenile gulls they  were gray the  adults  were gray and white .all of the  soft organs  were eaten .I thought that it was the  limping  gull .It was not the  limping  gull .The limping gull is a immature  gull. 

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4 Responses to A dead gull

  1. Andrew says:

    Hey Connor,

    How can you tell the difference between a juvenile gull and an immature gull besides just size?



  2. What do you think killed it? Did you see what the insides of the bones were like?

  3. connor says:


    thank for the question

    I got the imfermaishin for the Sibley guide to birds. With dad help I fond this imfermaishin the dead gull is a juvenile gull. A juvenile gull are dark gray. 1st winter gull are lite gray.

  4. connor says:

    uncle Jonathan

    thanks for the question

    I think a hawk killed it.yes I did it was brown inside. there were no meet haiging for the bones.

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