Snow Flurries

Although temperatures had warmed up enough overnight for precipitation to fall as rain first thing this morning, it did not take long for things to cool off again and the snow to return. The forecast had been for rain and snow mixed with no accumulation of snow, but for much of the day a heavy … Read more

Starrigavan and Sea Mart

Made a brief trip out the road today. Highlights include 4 Trumpeter Swans swimming up to the river’s edge at Starrigavan to see if we had any handouts. Also noticed 5 or more Gadwall – a fairly high number for Sitka in any season, but especially winter.

The view from Sea Mart’s parking lot can be pretty stunning – though it was fairly muted today. I suspect most people primarily think of the view to the west out over the sound with Mt. Edgecumbe rising above the lowlands of a distant Kruzof Island. While that is no doubt the more striking view, a look inland reveals Harbor Mountain looming above in a view that isn’t too shabby either.

This evening I took a photo of one of the moths we accumulated last summer/fall.

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Spring Day Activities

On a sunny spring day, I spent some time out at Starrigavan late this morning (where I photographed a spider, wasp, and bee) after photographing the Snow Goose that has been hanging out with the Greater White-fronted Geese on the lawn at SJ. This evening, Connor, Rowan and I went foraging for wild cucumber for … Read more