November Snow

Sitka broke records this month for measured November snowfall. However the record comes with a bit of an asterisk, since there are significant gaps in the records for snow amounts. Unlike precipitation, the depth of snow is not measured by the main weather station, apparently. In any case, it was a lot of snow for any month around here, but it did make for some nice views.

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Clearing Skies

The clouds broke for a while today. Bright sunshine warmed the air and snow covered peaks were almost blinding white where the veil of clouds hugging their slopes had parted. There was little wind overall, but the sunshine was only temporary – while I was thankful it lasted for the walk over to UAS, I was a little disappointed to see the heavy clouds had moved back in to obscure the sun and mountain tops. I had been hoping to see some nice alpine glow at sunset through the window of the classroom where I was teaching.

While visiting the house today, I got some close up looks at Golden-crowned Kinglets foraging in the pine tree growing next to the former garage. Up on the second floor they were at eye level – so it was fun to watch them flit from branch to branch looking for food.

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Observations and Photo

I took today’s photo to document the cliffs on Mt. Verstovia. Last Saturday the kids and I hiked to the cliffs that can be seen as white patches in the trees just above the valley clouds/fog towards the left edge of the photo. (I still remember looking out the window in Mrs. McCarthy’s fifth grade … Read more